- Whelped:
March 3rd, 2006
- Sex:
- Color:
Black Spotted
- Eyes:
- BAER: Bi-lateral
Expertly Owned, Trained & Loved by:
Joanne Shupp
Co-owned & Handled by:
Michelle Jarus
Handled to her last
points by her other momma Neina!
Bred by:
Michelle Jarus & Marie D. Zink
Cinder places 3rd in the huge 12-14 month Sweeps class at the 2007 DCA
National Specialty!!!
3 point major
Erie County Kennel Club
September 24th, 2006
Judge Raymond Swidersky
3 point major
Beaver County KC
October 8th, 2006
Judge William Cunningham
4 point major TO FINISH!
New Castle KC
May 27th, 2007
Judge Kenneth Edh